English: wtcEnglish: wtc (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
To understand the Twin Tower attacks you need to know why that date was chosen:

In the Roman and Babylonian calendars September is the 7th month (because Septem is latin for seven), which makes the number 7/11. Why is the number 7/11 so important? It is greatly significant because the 7th child of the 11th wife of King David (1st King Of Israel) is Solomon (2nd King Of Israel).

There are other instances of 7/11 being used, for example Flight 77 (7x11), New York being chosen because it's the 11th state in the union, the twin towers were chosen because there were seven of them.

I've recently released a new FACTION (fiction books written using facts) called CHARIOT OF JUSTICE which directly points the finger at those responsible, and the trouble it spelt for Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and many other middle eastern countries, suffice to say can you say BABYLONIAN empire and The Tower Of Babel?
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